Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Determination of the soil equivalent in leached smolnitsa and alluvialmeadow soils by pot experiment
Z.Petkova, T.Simeonova, M.Benkova, L.Nenova, I.Gerasimova, V.Lozanova, A.Katsarova, M.Nenov, I. Atanasova, M. Nikolova
Abstract: Optimal fertilization rates can be determined based on an assessment of the nutrient content of the soil using crop production functions. Dependence between yield and the quantities in the soil (macro and microelements) is established through the construction of different mathematical models. The article aims to present a methodology for the determination of the so-called soil equivalent with the help of data from a greenhouse experiment conducted on two soils with contrasting properties, namely Leached Smolnitsa and Alluvial-meadow soils. All steps are given for the determination of soil equivalent of the factor potassium in experimental station Tsalapitsa. Confirmation of the effectiveness of the applied approach is illustrated with data from an archival field experiment.
Keywords: experimental design; fertilization; response function; soil equivalent
Date published: 2022-03-11
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