[session_started] => 1739884754
Influence of herbicides and foliar fertilizers on the yield, the structural elements of yield and technological qualities of the maize grain
Sonya Goranovska, Shteliyana Kalinova and Mariyan Yanev
Abstract: The field experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the Institute of Maize – Knezha in the period 2016 – 2018. After sowing of maize hybrid Kneja-613 before weed emergence Stomp New 330 EC (330 g/l pendimethalin) was used in a dose of 400 ml/da. In phase 5th leaf of the culture it was treated with Chemnico 24 SC (240 g/l nicosulfuron) at a dose of 21 ml/da. Simultaneously with Chemnico 24 SC were used: Amalgerol – growth stimulator; Microelements for Maize; Vertex H-34 and Foliar Extra – foliar fertilizers. Highest positive effect on grain yield has the system of pendimethalin and nicosulforone, Microelements for Maize and Amalgerol. The average grain yield for the period is 731.73 kg/da and its increase by 14.16% is statistically proven. The system of pendimethalin and nicosulforone at combination with Amalgerol, with Microelements for Maize, with Vertex H-34 or with Foliar Extra increases the protein content to 9.29%, the fat content to 5.61%, and the starch content to 76, 68% of the grain of the Knezha-613 hybrid.
Keywords: foliar fertilizers; herbicides; maize; technological qualities of the grain
Date published: 2022-02-16
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