Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Empowerment strategies for coffee farmers based on the SOAR Analysis: A case study in the Dieng Mountains
Dewi Dzakiroh, Suwarto and Heru lrianto
Abstract: This study aims to formulate empowerment strategies for coffee farmers in Tombo Village. This aim is essential to be researched because the ability of coffee farmers in Tombo Village is still low, especially in post-harvest processing and marketing of coffee products. This research is based on qualitative research with a case study as an approach. Data collection methods used in-depth interviews with selected informants, observation, documentation, and Focus Discussion Group. The data analysis technique employed SOAR analysis. Based on data and obeservation the natural resources in Tombo Village support coffee farming. However, human resources have not been able to utilize this potential properly. Thus, an empowerment program with the right strategy according to the needs, problems, and target environmental conditions is needed. The result showed that seven aspects need to be improved and enhanced to empower coffee farmers in Tombo Village: improving the quality of farmers’ resources; facilitating coffee farmers in accessing agricultural facilities and infrastructure; helping farmers to access capital; increasing coffee farmer awareness to conduct proper post-harvest processing through farmer assistance activities; improving the coffee marketing system in Tombo Village; building and reorganizing institutions to support farmers in coffee farming; motivating farmers to do red picks on coffee cherries.
Keywords: coffee cultivation; empowerment; farmer; SOAR analysis; strategy
Date published: 2021-06-04
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