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Mapping analysis of the wetland loss in Loukkos (Morocco) under agricultural managements
Said El Falah, Mohamed Dakki and Ismail Mansouri
Abstract: The Loukkos large perimeter covers an area of 256 000 ha, 147 300 ha of which are useful agricultural areas and 42 000 ha of which are currently irrigated. In this study we analysed the impact of agricultural managements on wetlands in Loukkos (Morocco), using the mapping approach of the evolution in irrigated sectors of the Loukkos perimeter. As a result, 34% of wetlands, including two Ramsar Sites were negatively impacted. The conversion of natural ecosystems to agricultural fields, the overuse of water in irrigation and the urbanization are the most factors that threaten the wetlands’ surfaces. Finally, the mapping of the evolution of the irrigated sectors of the Loukkos perimeter made it possible to assess the current situation and the criticality degrees of the impacts with the estimation of the impacted areas. This mapping approach will facilitate the initiation for a more specific approach where the most sensitive and affected areas will be satisfied.
Keywords: agriculture; climate; impact; irrigated perimeters; Loukkos; mapping; wetlands
Date published: 2021-02-25
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