Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Analysis of mancozeb and carbofuran pesticides residues in the production area of shallot (Allium cepa L. Var. ascalonicum)
Euis Nining, Rizal Sjarief, Zainal Alim Masud, Sobir Sobir and Machfud Machfud
Abstract: The way to protect shallot from pests and diseases have encouraged the farmers to excessive use pesticides in shallot production area in Brebes Regency of Central Java, Indonesia. It can be observed through pesticide residues in soil and agricultural products. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of mancozeb and carbofuran pesticide residues in the shallot production area in Brebes Regency of Central Java, Indonesia. Research locations was choosed on purposive sampling, namely Kersana and Wanasari District. Pesticide residues analysis was carried out on seven soil samples and seven shallot products that consist of 3 samples from Kersana District and 4 samples from Wanasari District. Pesticide residue analysis used a gas chromatography method with an electron capture detector. Based on the analysis of soil samples, mancozeb residues were found in all samples from Wanasari District with concentrations of 0.037 to 1.132 mg/kg, and two examples from Kersana District with concentrations of 0.048 mg/kg and 0.083 mg/kg. Carbofuran residues was only found in one soil sample from Kersana District with a concentration of 0.017 mg/kg. In the shallot sample, mancozeb residues were identified in all samples from Wanasari District with concentrations rangeng from 1.274–2.195 mg/kg, and two samples of Kersana District with concentrations of 0.347 mg/kg and 0.497 mg/kg. The concentrations of mancozeb in all shallot samples from Wanasari District exceeded the maximum concentration of residual limit (RML) of mancozeb value (0.5 mg/kg). Carbofuran residues were not identified in all shallot samples from Kersana District, but were identified in two shallot samples from Wanasari District with concentrations (0.014 mg/kg and 0.018 mg/kg) that is still below the carbofuran RML (0.1 mg/kg).
Keywords: carbofuran; mancozeb; pesticide residue; shallot
Date published: 2020-10-16
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