Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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V. Vasileva, M. Banov, V. Tsolova, Iv. Mitova
Abstract: Intensive development of mining and processing industry leads to a continuous reduction of arable and non- fund land. These adverse facts impose to proceed to the use for agricultural purposes of the land that is restored after a reclamation activities, regardless of their low fertility. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of culture medium on substrate reclaimed by the content of nutrients and heavy metals in the vegetative mass of tomatoes as well as on the quality of the fruit. Experiment is set on four reclamation substrate taken by technical and biological reclaimed dumps built in iron ore (Lokorsko) and coal (Moshino). For convenience in the work materials used in the experiment will be marked as:
Object 1 – reclamation of organic substrate rehabilitated dump near Moshino, horizon 0–30 cm;
Object 2 – reclamation substrate technical rehabilitated dump in the area of Moshino;
Objectt 3 – reclamation of organic substrate rehabilitated dump near Lokorsko, horizon 0–30 cm;
Object 4 – reclamation substrate technical rehabilitated dump near Lokorsko.
It was found that fertilizer rate applied in experience (N800R600K757) is adequately selected in terms of N-fertilization, while PK-fertilization have formed a significant residual in the soil of these elements. High residual concentration of mobile phosphorus fertilization variants Objects 1-3 associated with low phosphorous content in plant tissues and in three subjects of the experiment indicate a disturbing factor in the uptake of phosphorus by tomato plants. The content of potassium in crop production experiment is displayed within the optimal range, while plants fertilized with (NH4)2SO4 was higher than those fertilized with NH4NO3. The content of oligo-and trace elements Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn in plant tissues of plants tomatoes ranges indicated it is optimal. As extremely tolerant to pollution culture tomatoes have significant potential for phytoremediation of contaminated land. The values of plastid pigments in the vegetative mass of tomato plants Objects 1-3 fertilized with NH4NO3, were significantly higher than those of variants with (NH4)2SO4. Fruits of plants fertilized with NH4NO3, of Objects 2 and 3 have a higher content of vitamin “C”, lycopene common dyes and sugars.
Keywords: heavy metals; soil destruction; soil reclamation; tomatoes
Date published: 2017-09-04
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