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Status, potentials, constrains and strategies for development of sericulture farming system in West Bengal state of India (review)
Debjoy Bhattarcharjya, Khasru Alam, Anil Bhuimali and Soumen Saha
Abstract: West Bengal Sericulture and rural areas are facing multiple socio-economic changes, including a transition from an agriculture-based to a service-based economy. This restructuring forces agricultural and rural sector-networks to reformulate their (self-) definitions. Farming is an important and key factor for the economy of developing countries. Since last several years, farmers once again welcomed many traditional farming systems to get crop yield for completion of food requirement. Although, traditional techniques are not much sufficient in new agriculture world because farming is getting new challenges from biotic and abiotic factors. New techniques and systems are getting popularity in present farming because of their important benefits which can solve all challenges on farming. Sericulture is a short gestation period labour intensive enterprise which can go a long way in promoting inclusive growth and alleviating poverty in rural areas. However, sericulture industry development in the state has been inactivated with a rapid change of its political and economic system and a large portion of sericulture farmers has consequently given up cocoon production activities thus to lose their job opportunities and income resources. The review paper indicates the current scenario, identifies the state’s existing potential and constraints and suggests future planning for the development of sericulture & silk industry in the state.
Keywords: livelihood; problems; prospects; sericulture; West Bengal
Date published: 2020-08-28
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