Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Soil fertility evaluation of agricultural areas of cashew community of Catolé Rocha-PB
Andpaulo C. A. Linhares, Toni H. S. Irineu, Ênio K. L. Martins, Josimar N. Silva, Aridênia P. Chaves, Edivan S. Nunes Júnior, Jean C. D. Oliveira
Abstract: The overuse of the soil by intensive cultivation of agricultural activities has caused severe damages on farms, due to depletion of their fertility. Thus, it becomes increasingly necessary that farmers make a soil pre-analysis physical and chemistry, in order to be able to diagnose which soil class it will be using, as well as to diagnose possible deficiency or excess of nutrients. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical and physical characteristics of 10 farms in Cashew community site, Catolé of Rocha-PB. A survey was performed by removing soil samples in a zigzag, at layers of 0-20 cm and 21-40 cm in the period from July to August 2013; an auger type probe was used. The soil chemical analyses were performed in the soil analysis laboratory, water and plant of Rural Federal University of semi-arid – UFERSA consisting of: pH (1:2.5) in water; calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and sodium (Na). Based in these measurements were calculated the sum of base (SB). In addition the electrical conductivity (EC) in the saturation extract obtained from the saturated paste. The textural classes from the properties were classified according to the triangle soil classification. Farms of tree in the community have good conditions for the development of agricultural activities. Potassium (K) was the nutrient found in lesser amounts in the evaluated properties. The sandy loam textural classification predominated in areas and depths sampled.
Keywords: fertility; semi-arid; soil
Date published: 2020-02-27
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