Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Beneficial effect of Rhizobium inoculation on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in saline soils
Jabborov Farrukh, Aziz Karimov, Kee Woong Park, Anvar Abdiev, Botir Khaitov
Abstract: The beneficial combinations between chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes (Flip 03-74, Xisor, Halima (Flip 1-23), Flip 06-66, Flip 06-102, CIEN-45, Flip 06-155, Flip 03-102) with different symbiotic Rhizobium strains (viz. R4, R6, R9, and IC53)were studied in saline soil. The field experiment was set in moderately saline soil with an electrical conductivity (EC) of 6.3 dS/m in the north-east area of Uzbekistan. Results indicated that the inoculation with the adequate strains of rhizobia increased the chickpea growth and yield, accompanied by improving the seed weight, and seed protein contents. It was observed that Flip 06-66 and Flip 06-155 genotypes surpassed local Uzbekistan-32 cultivars with and without Rhizobium inoculation in grain yield, a weight of 1000 seeds, seed protein, and oil contents. Among the Rhizobium strains, R9 and R6 strains produced the best results, particularly grain yield, seed protein, and oil content in Halima and Flip 06-66 genotypes were increased by 27.8% and 36.5%, 5.8% and 5.9%, 2.4% and 4.6% over the control, respectively. It was concluded that indigenous rhizobial strains have the characteristics of broad host range, effective stimulation, higher nodulation efficiency, greater salt tolerance, and can be considered as a bio-fertilizer for enhancing chickpea productivity in saline soils of Uzbekistan.
Keywords: Chickpea; growth; nodulation; Rhizobium; saline soil; yield
Date published: 2020-02-26
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