Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The effect of Fluvisol applied biochar on wheat yield and nutrient uptake
Irena Atanassova, Lyuba Nenova, Tsetska Simeonova, Maya Benkova
Abstract: In recent years, the effect of biochar for improving soil fertility, reducing the use of mineral fertilizers, increasing crop yields and the quality of the production has been reported. The aim of the present study is to make an agronomic assessment of the impact of biochar on wheat yield, nutrient uptake and some soil properties. A field experiment with wheat was carried out on a Fluvisol in the experimental field of the Institute of soil science agrotechnologies and plant protection (ISSAPP) at Tsalapitsa village (Plovdiv). The impact of biochar on the wheat yield and some soil properties was studied. The applied biochar has a significant effect on wheat yield in variant BC4 but doesn’t influence the content of the main nutrients. There is no statistically significant effect of biochar application on the content of major macroelements in the different parts of wheat by variants. Only insignificant decrease in the content of nitrogen was found in all the organs compared to the control. The highest elements uptake is observed in the variant BC2 (4 t.ha-1), where the highest rate of biochar was applied which has the greatest impact on soil characteristics and mineral nutrition and elements uptake.
Keywords: biochar; chemical content; nutrient uptake; wheat; yield
Date published: 2020-02-26
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