Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Study of population variability of the endemic species Moehringia grisebachii Janka (Caryophyllaceae) in Bulgaria
Mariya Zhelyazkova, Svetlana Georgieva, Neli Grozeva
Abstract: Moehringia grisebachii Janka is a Balkan endemic species spread on the territory of Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. In the present study were included 17 populations of M. grisebachii from Bulgaria. Morphometric measurements of 24 quantitative traits were performed in all populations. On the base of the data obtained, within population and between population variability was examined. A comparative analysis has been made and similarities and differences have been identified. Dominant in total variability was within populations variability (63.87%). The impact of environmental conditions on measured quantitative traits was reported and as the more important factors the longitude and elevation were pointed out. The results obtained are of importance in the development and updating of the conservation programs for keeping and trust of the genetic diversity and the protected species included in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria.
Keywords: Moehringia grisebachii; phenotype; population diversity
Date published: 2019-12-31
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