Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Comparative study on the polyphenols content and antioxidant activity of local wine grape varieties from the island of Paros, Greece
Dimitrios Kritikos, Dimitrios Kalfountzos, Maria-Nektaria Ntalla, Panagiotis Vyrlas, Nikolaos Gougoulias
Abstract: Six local wine grape varieties grown in island of Paros (Greece) have been studied for evaluating and comparing the polyphenols content and their antioxidant properties. Total phenols content ranges from 768 to 1903 mg (GAE)/kg fresh weight, NFP content ranges from 120.2 to 685.1 mg (GAE)/kg, FP content ranges from 551.4 to 1364.2 mg (GAE)/kg, and F-3-ols content ranges from 131.6 to 363.1 mg (CE)/kg. The white grape variety Maloukato is characterized from the higher total phenols content (1903 mg GAE/kg), while the red grape variety Mandilaria is characterized from the lowest (768 mg GAE/ kg). The antiradical activity DPPH ranges from 3.14 to 5.59 μmol Trolox/g fresh weight, while the antioxidant activity FRAP ranges from 1.74 to 3.77 μmol AEE/g. The white grape variety Maloukato is characterized from the higher antiradical activity DPPH, while the red grape variety Vapsa is characterized from the higher antioxidant activity FRAP. High correlation coefficients between he estimated antioxidant activity and the total polyphenols content was found. The grapes cultivation with high polyphenols content may be regarded as principal criterion for producing wines enriched in polyphenols.
Keywords: DPPH activity; FRAP assay; grapes; phenolic fractions; polyphenols
Date published: 2019-12-20
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