Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Allelopathic effect of dodder (Cuscuta epithymum L.) on different genotypes birds-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.)
Irena Golubinova, Plamen Marinov-Serafimov
Abstract: During the 2015-2016 period the allelopathic effect of cold water extracts from Cuscuta epithymum L. on seed germination and initial development of Lotus corniculatus L. genotypes were studied under laboratory conditions in the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven. It was found that: different aqueous extract concentrations of parasitic plant directly infl uenced germination percentage, rate and seedling length of L. corniculatus genotypes; the water extracts from dry biomass of Cuscuta epithymum L. showed a considerably stronger inhibitory effect on the studied Lotus corniculatus L. genotypes on growth seedlings (I(average) from 32.7 to 89.1) where the differences are statistically significant at P = 0.05, as compared to the extract of fresh biomass (I(average) from 1.8 to 17.6). The studied Lotus corniculatus L. genotypes showed different susceptibility to the allelopathic effect of the extracts from the extracts of fresh and dry biomass of Cuscuta epithymum L., which was due to their genetic differences. Lotus corniculatus L. genotypes Stamm 02, Local population 1 and Local population 2 possess allelopathic potential, because index germinations (GI) were in the range from 51.7 to 95.7% in extracts prepared from fresh weed biomass of Cuscuta epithymum L. and from 26.8 to 9.6% to dry weed biomass. These genotypes can be used as components in future breeding programmes.
Keywords: allelopathic tolerance; Cuscuta epithymum; inhibition; Lotus corniculatus; seed germination
Date published: 2019-12-19
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