Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Improving technology elements in multi-purpose carrot cultivation
Luise M. Akhiyarovа, Raphael R. Ismagilov, Bulat G. Akhiyarov, Rustam I. Abdulmanov, Azat V. Valitov, Rishat R. Abdulvaleyev, Igor Y. Kuznetsov, Dayan Ayupov, Ragida S. Irgalina, Flarid M. Davletshin
Abstract: The given research conducted in 2015-2017 was carried out to improve technology elements in cultivation of carrots for different target use in natural conditions of the southern forest-steppe zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Studies on yield enhancement and technological qualities of carrot depending on its varieties and hybrid cultivars (experiment 1) indicated 51.6-57.1 t/ha of carrot yields depending on hybrids that amounted 105.3-116.5% compared to the control. The highest yield of carrots in the experiment being 57.1 t/ha was shown by Sentiabrina F1 hybrid cultivar. When using Vermiculite (experiment 2) the diameter of roots increased and the category of the vegetable lowered at the fi rst class. The experiment showed yield rise at the dose of Vermiculite 1.5 l/m2 and drop at the dose up to 2 l/m2. Experiment 3 revealed that using Bisol-2 preparation increased the yield of dry matter at the rate of seed treatment 1 and 6 l/ ha. At the rate of 3 l/ha there was a decrease. The sugar content ranges 10.50-11.40%, vitamins vary 11.5-13.8 mg/ kg, and carotene is 259.72-281.63 mg/kg. The best results were received when using Bisol-2 preparation at the seed treatment rate being 1 l/ha. Experiment 4 aimed to study the effect of Prometrin and Stomp herbicides on yield capacity didn’t show any influence of herbicides on carrot root shape. Within two years of investigation the highest yield of carrot roots was 33.5 t/ha when using Prometrin herbicide.
Keywords: Bisol-2; carrot; hybrid cultivar; Prometrin; Stomp; variety; vermiculite
Date published: 2019-12-10
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