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Strategic analysis of the creative business development of processed agricultural products in Surabaya, Indonesia
Erna Haryanti, Dwie Retna Suryaningsih, Nuhfil Hanani
Abstract: This research aims to classify the creative business development of processed agricultural products and to formulate alternative strategies for development. Using random sampling methods, 50 respondents were selected. Based on a Klassen typology classification analysis, the creative businesses of processed food crops and processed fishery products are defined as prime subsectors. In contrast, the creative business of processed livestock is classified as a potential subsector. More detailed analysis of each subsector shows that 26% of creative businesses of processed food crops have a prime classification, another 46% have a potential classification, and the remaining 27.1% have an underdeveloped classification. The fishery subsector predominantly comprises creative businesses with potential classification (54%), followed by prime classification (27%), and finally underdeveloped classification (19%). Location quotient analysis indicates that all the creative businesses of processed food crops and processed fishery products are included in basic status. According to analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), the creative businesses of processed food crops and fishery products are primarily in quadrant I (aggressive region), indicating that they are in a good position to capitalize on their strengths and seize opportunities. This strategy could be applied based on the principle of harnessing the power of the creative businesses to effect development.
Keywords: agricultural products; creative economy; processed products; SWOT analysis
Date published: 2019-12-06
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