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Consumer awareness for food safety in Turkey
C. Gunden, B. Miran, O. K. Uysal, Z. K. Bektas
Abstract: The main objective of this study is to determine the level of consumer awareness about food safety in Izmir, one of the biggest provinces in Turkey. The data is obtained from a survey of 385 consumers in Izmir, between April-2004 and February-2005. According to probit models, high income and education as well as the presence of elderly individuals in the house increase the probability of having knowledge on food safety. Likewise, probability of married consumers with knowledge about food safety and high level of education, of being affected by food scandals is high. It is concluded that, increased awareness of food safety pass through informative campaigns targeting especially low- and middle-income groups and masses with low education levels, and through endeavours of improving the levels of education and welfare.
Keywords: consumer behavior; Food safety; probit model
Date published: 2019-10-16
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