Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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A study on determination of functional food consumption habits and awareness of consumers in Turkey
E. Eyduran, I. S. Dogan, S. Kose, O. Yildiz
Abstract: The survey study was to determine the status of knowledge about functional foods, the factors influencing consumer preferences in the purchase and their expectations in Turkey. A total of 389 persons, 288 men and 101 women ranging from 10 to 70 ages were participated in the study. Participants’ level of awareness about functional foods was found to be approximately 40%. In general, it was determined that these foods were consumed little by almost half (51.34%) of those participated to the survey. It was also found that women and especially participants ranging from 20 to 40 years-old consumed more functional foods than the rest of participants. As a result, it was concluded that education, income level, product price, compliance with religious sensitivities, the presence of artificial food additives and genetic modification were to be effective on functional food choice.
Keywords: awareness of consumers; functional food; survey; Turkey
Date published: 2019-10-03
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