Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The role of worm compost in the process of reducing contamination of the maize with smut
Tatiana Boclaci, Larisa Cremeneac
Abstract: The article reflects the influence of the worm compost on the degree of contamination of the maize with smut (Sorosporium reilianum f. Zeae) in the first year of fertilizer’s action. During the conducted observations it was found that in the first year of action of the fertilizer, on lots with a background of worm compost 1.51% of the plants were contaminated with smut, while on the control lot (with natural background) – 3.86 % of the plants grown on the lot were contaminated. Thus, it was found that on the lot with natural background (the control lot) the degree of contamination of the plants with smut was by 2.50 times higher than on the lots where the worm compost was used. Analysing the obtained results, it was found that corn cobs harvest in the first year of the experiment, on fertilized lots with worm compost, was respectively by 23.15%-29.07% higher than the one on the control lot. Therefore, as a result of the carried out research, it was found that, under the influence of the worm compost incorporated in the soil, the degree of contamination of maize with smut (Sorosporium reilianum f. Zeae) was reduced and the harvest on the surface unit increased significantly.
Keywords: cobs; contamination; maize; productivity; smut; worm compost
Date published: 2019-09-05
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