[session_started] => 1739774407
Plant extracts as natural antioxidants in meat processing
Branimir Pavlić, Predrag Ikonić, Natalija Džinić, Branislav Šojić, Snežana Škaljac, Marija Jokanović, Vladimir Tomović
Abstract: In response to recent claims that synthetic antioxidants have the potential to cause toxicological effects and consumers‘ increased interest in purchasing natural products, the meat industry has been seeking sources of natural antioxidants. Due to their high phenolic compound content, medicinal plants, spices and other plant materials provide a good alternative to conventional antioxidants. Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of plant essential oil and plant extracts when used in meat products. Generally, essential oil and plant extracts, as natural antioxidants are added to fresh and processed meat and meat products to delay, or prevent lipid oxidation, rancidity, decrease microbial growth, improve colour stability and extend shelf-life, without any damage to the sensory or nutritional properties.
Keywords: lipid oxidation; meat products; natural antioxidants
Date published: 2019-09-05
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