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Challenges of the red meat supply chain in Slovenia: the case of pig breeders
Aleš Kuhar, Hristo Hristov
Abstract: The research comprises of an in-depth analysis of the models of vertical integration of Slovenian pig producers. The data were collected in a nation-wide survey (n = 152). Besides the structural characteristics of farms, the key focus was on vertical integration of the pig breeders and a set of questions related to beliefs and attitudes towards the contemporary food supply chains. The survey data were analysed with the latent class cluster analysis focused on researched constructs related to cooperation and pig meat supply chain. The results show that rather obsolete and informal organisation structures prevail in Slovenia, which is in contrasts with hypothesis and expectations. Furthermore, farmers significantly differ according to their attitude towards supply chain coordination and business engagement in actual activities of supply chains. The research concludes with various policy implications and business guidance.
Keywords: cluster analysis; latent class; management; pig production; Slovenia; supply chain
Date published: 2019-08-27
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