Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The effect of different flour extraction rates on physiochemical and rheological characteristics
Sana Gammoh, Muhammad Aludatt, Vaida Bartkute-Norkūniene, Mustafa Al-Obaidy, Majdi Al-Mahasneh, Taha Rababah, Thaer Ajouly
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different flour extraction rates (78% as a control, 79%, 80%, 81%, 82%, 83%, and 84%) on flour chemical, physiochemical and rheological properties on the flour quality. The results indicated that the moisture content, gluten index, zeleny sedimentation values, color, and falling number started to decrease gradually with an increase in extraction rate, whereas, ash, crude fiber, crude protein, wet and dry gluten were increased with each increase in flour extraction rate. Farinograph characteristics such as water absorption and dough development time were increased with an increase in flour extraction rate, but for dough stability, dough elasticity and weakening of the dough characteristics were reduced. Furthermore, the results of water absorption, dough development time, and dough elasticity gave significant differences, while, dough stability only with 81% and 82% flour extraction rates gave significant differences, whereas, for weakening of the property only with 81% flour extraction rate showed significant differences. The results of extensograph illustrated that when the flour extraction rate was increased, the characteristics of resistance to extension, extensibility and the area under the extensogram curves were reduced except the ratios of resistance to extension / extensibility.
Keywords: flour quality; physiochemical; rheological properties
Date published: 2019-07-31
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