[session_started] => 1726771351
Indigenous Pseudomonads from Rhizosphere of Maize grown on Pseudogley Soil in Serbia
O. Stajkovic, D. Delic, R. Pivic, D. Kuzmanovic, N. Rasulic, D. Josic, A. Stanojkovic
Abstract: Pseudomonads are distributed widely in temperate soils and often predominate among bacteria from plant rhizosphere. The present study revealed the genodiversity among 67 pseudomonads isolates from maize rhizosphere (39) and non-rhizospheric (28) nutrient poor pseudogley soil. Results from the screening for plant growth promoting (PGP) traits (phosphate solubilization, siderophore and indoleacetic acid production, enzymatic activity) and rep-PCR fingerprinting of isolates using ERIC and (GTG)5 primers indicated low diversity existing in this selective environment. We selected five different isolates – two of them were non-phytopathogenic isolates with protease, lipase and phospholipase activity, ability to solubilize tricalcium phosphate and produce indoleacetic acids. All isolates inhibited growth of some of seven investigated phytopathogenic fungi. Isolate Q4m showed high enzymatic activity, good phosphate solubilization and production of siderophores and high amount of indoleacetic acids (from 8.6 μg/ml without tryptophan in medium to 26 μg/ml with 5 mM tryptophan added in medium). This selected strain has the potential to enhance plant growth and participate in phosphorus and iron availability in rhizosphere.
Keywords: genodiversity; PCB; PGPR; pseudomonads; rep- PCR; rhizosphere; siderophores
Date published: 2019-06-14
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