Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Heavy Metal Contents of Aegean Region Tobaccos According to Quality Groups and Stalk Position
C. Sonmez, S. Ekren, A. Gokcol
Abstract: The study was carried out in Akhisar district of Ege Region in Turkey where tobacco is very popular in the growing period of 2004-2005. In this research, nine fields which are differences in terms of the quality and efficiency in the villages called Haciosmanlar, Arabacibozkoy, Derekoy, Mecidiye and Suleymanli were selected. Chromium, cobalt, nickel, zinc, arsenic, cadmium and lead contents of the tobaccos were analyzed. All analysis showed that there were significant differences among tobacco samples analyzed in different years, priming and also quality groups. After two years results of the study, arsenic, lead, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, zinc and nickel were measured as 0.18-0.98 ppm, 7.45-38.40 ppm, 4.37-28.60 ppm, 0.05-1.50 ppm, 1.10-5.45 ppm, 43.9-140.9 ppm, 6.00-10.85 ppm, respectively.
Keywords: Ege Region; minor or trace elements; quality; tobacco
Date published: 2019-06-10
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