[session_started] => 1734080455
Al. Roversi
Abstract: n these last years the organic farming seems to be an innovative and interesting opportunity for the Italian and European hazelnut growers. After some historical introduction on the organic farming and on his origins, his basic concepts are delineated. The main pests and diseases of the hazelnut are listed and discussed and the methods of prevention and the allowed struggle for organic farming are mentioned. Specifically the proper practices of conducting with the organic system are listed and also the most recent European legislation, in this regard, is mentioned. The comparison between Italian and Turkish trials of organic and conventional hazelnut cultivation is reported. Unfortunately the first result is a loss of the yielding that could be recovered after 3–4 years of cultivation; this to allow the attainment of a biological equilibrium in the orchard. Another way to have the advantages of the organic farming without big drawbacks is to apply it in an intensive way just like it has been tried in Italy. Even if the hazelnut orchards organic management can penalize the production, the introduction of this method could be encouraged by: economical support from Regions and/or States, higher price of “biological” nuts, lower management costs and ideological reasons. As for the other crops also the hazelnut cultivation requires 3 years of conversion to enter into the organic system and also the rules to follow are quite heavy. Because this is not always so easy, the organic grower must be more and more professional than a conventional one.
Keywords: biological nuts; hazelnut; nut quality; pest and disease; plant protection
Date published: 2017-08-18
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