[session_started] => 1739790161
Cultivation of agricultural crops with irrigation in Amur region
Natalya V. Belmach, Marina V. Makannikova, Lyudmila A. Lapshakova
Abstract: The following article examines the importance of rice and oats cultivation in the light of cur-rent food balance in Russia. One of the problems of their low yield that the authors consider is climatic conditions in the region. They go on to prove the importance of research which is related to the need of developing effective water regimes for the cultivation of grain crops while observing current principles of water conservation and environmental safety require-ments of production. Experimental studies that were conducted during the research period have proved the regularity of formation of production process and yield of adapted rice and oats varieties and their dependence on the irrigation and mineral nutrition regimes. The authors have proved that it is possible to obtain the yield of oats at the level of 5.4 t/ha under the irrigation regime of 80% of minimum moisture capacity (MMC) and the dose of mineral ferti-lizers of N45P45K45.
Keywords: Amur region; fertilizers; irrigation; oats; rise; Russia
Date published: 2019-04-15
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