Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Use of Scleria poaeformis as biomaterial in etno-agricultural practice at riparian wetlands in Indonesia
Y. Yunindyawati, Erna Siaga, Kartika Kartika, Benyamin Lakitan
Abstract: Local farmers grow rice only once annually at riparian wetlands in Indonesia due to unpredictable annual flooding occurrence. Farmers have to wait for floodwater to subside before planting rice seedlings but have to do the planting as early as possible for avoiding drought at reproductive growth stage. This etno-agricultural research was conducted in 2016-2017 using mixed method, started with direct and frequent field observations at five targeted villages, followed by series of dialogs with 69 local farmers and key persons based on Grounded Theory protocols for capturing key issues. One fascinating result of this study was the use of local biomaterials (Scleria poaeformis) in constructing floating seedbed for growing rice seedlings. Application of this grassroots innovation makes it possible for local farmers to start their rice growing season about one month earlier since seedling preparation can be started before floodwater subsided and flexibility of around two weeks in transplanting the rice seedlings from floating seedbed to paddy field.
Keywords: etno-agriculture; floating culture; inland swamp; rice cultivation; Scleria poaeformis
Date published: 2019-04-15
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