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Partitioning of dry matter, proline accumulation, chlorophyll content and antioxidant activity of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) plants under chilling stress
G. D. Atasoy, O. Tatar, C. Ozalkan
Abstract: Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) which is one of the most common legume plants is generally grown as a winter crop in warm regions. Thus, low temperatures, which occur during growing period of the plants, can limit productivity. In the present study, six chickpea cultivars and lines were grown under controlled conditions to understand physiological responses of the plants to chilling stress. The highest total dry matter reduction in chilling conditions was found in genotype HH-2 (43 %) whereas the lowest one in Cevdetbey-98 (25.3 %). This can be due to the differential partitioning of dry matter in both genotypes under chilling conditions. The genotype HH-2 reduces dry matter content of roots and stems and not of leaves whereas the genotype Cevdetbey-98 diminishes the dry matter in leaves, the most cold-sensitive part of plants. After cold exposure, the leaf area in HH-2 was also less decreased than in Cevdetbey-98. Proline content and total antioxidant activity increased whereas total chlorophyll content decreased in all genotypes during chilling conditions. Lower relative increase in proline content of HH-2 and higher in Cevdetbey-98 suggests the possible protective role of proline accumulation in chickpea plants under chilling stress.
Keywords: Antioxidants; Chickpea; Chilling; Chlorophyll; Proline
Date published: 2019-03-25
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