Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Array ( [session_started] => 1739851745 [LANGUAGE] => EN [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 )


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Effect of thinning date and genotype on some phenological and quality characteristics of sugar beet seed
Z. Curcic, M. Rajic, Z. Stojakovic, N. Nagl
Abstract: We analyzed the effect of thinning date and genotype on some phenological and quality characteristics of sugar beet seed produced by the over wintering method in two calendar years. Experiments were conducted in sugar beet seed plots located in the agro-ecological region of southern Bačka. The earlier genotype C had a higher correlation coefficient between the number of seeds per inflorescence branch and seed germination than the later genotype S. The two genotypes had similar correlation coefficients between the length of inflorescence branch and the number of seeds. Compared with thinning in the spring, the fall thinning had significant effects on the length of the inflorescence branch, number of seeds per inflorescence branch and seed viability.
Keywords: fall thinning; genotype; length of inflorescence branch; seed number per inflorescence branch; seed viability; spring thinning; sugar beet seed crop
Date published: 2019-03-25
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