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Overseas cultivation: the complimentary approach for developing food security
Farhad Lashgarara, Seyed Mehdi Mirdamadi, Seyed Jamal Farajollah Hosseini, A. A. Kalbasi Esfahani
Abstract: The aim of this study is to analysis the requirements for realization overseas cultivation to develop food security in Iran. The statistical population of the study is included 176 people who are theoretically selected from researchers, experts and activists from research centers, government organizations and private sectors. These people are active in the field of overseas cultivation. A questionnaire was developed to collect the necessary information. The dependent variable of this research was the improvement of food security, which has been measured in four aspects of food availability, food accessibility, food utilization and stability of the three mentioned dimensions of food security. The independent variables were the requirements for the realization of overseas cultivation in four groups including: policy-making; economic; cultural and social; agronomical and specialized ones. SPSS20 and AMOS22 software are used to analyze data. The result of inferential statistics, which is done using confirmatory factor analysis and Bayesian approach in Amos software, shows that all independent variables have a positive effect on the dependent variables. The study shows that “agronomical and specialized” requirement has the highest influence on the realization of overseas cultivation in this country. The “availability of technical information about the agriculture water resources in the target country” plays an important role in measuring the "agronomical and specialized” requirements element. In addition, the results show that among the four aspects of food availability, access to food, utilization and stability of the three mentioned aspects of food security, stability plays the most important role in the development of food security in Iran.
Keywords: food security; Iran; overseas cultivation
Date published: 2019-02-11
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