[session_started] => 1741313460
Optimum control model of soil water regime under irrigation
Viktor Vladimirovich Borodychev, Elena Sergeevna Vorontsova, Sergey Denisovich Fomin, Mihail Nikolaevich Lytov, Aleksey Semenovich Оvchinnikov, Olesya Vladimirovna Bocharnikova, Viktor Sergeevich Bocharnikov
Abstract: A modern model of optimal control of the water regime of the soil in conditions of irrigation, the use of which allows to assess the need for sequential vegetation watering, the probable date of the next watering, to make the graphics of watering and develop water use plan for the short, medium and long terms is suggested. The proposed model provides the possibility of determining the current status of soil moisture in two ways: by computational method or by hardware measurement system in contrast to the known solutions. A feature of the proposed model is the using of different calculation methods to determine the evapotranspiration during the forecast and retrospective calculations. Increasing the accuracy of forecast and retrospective calculation of evapotranspiration is achieved through the use of multi-parameter models with the introduction of the actual meteorological findings of the past period (the computational unit "retrospective") and simple one-parameter models that may determine the total water consumption of crops using forecast meteorological data, which can be highly uncertain and with probabilistic nature.
Keywords: irrigation; model; optimal control; soil water regime
Date published: 2018-11-02
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