Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Economic value of greenhouse gas emissions from crop production in Iran
Mohsen Jamali, Mohammad Ghorbani, Suren Kulshreshtha
Abstract: In this study, both the amount and value of greenhouse gas emissions from Iranian crop production are estimated. Both nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emissions were included for the crop year 2011/12. Results showed that total emissions of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide were, respectively, 25.471 and 777.714 tonnes per annum. Converted in value terms, these emissions create total environmental costs of more than $9 million annually. Results for different regions within Iran was also undertaken which suggested that the Khuzestan province in Iran is the largest producer of these greenhouse gases. But on a
per acre basis, Alborz and Zanzin provinces are the higher producers of these gases. In all cases, use of nitrogenous fertilizers was the major source of these emissions. Proper use of such fertilizers is the major avenue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from crop production in Iran. In addition, carbon sequestration is also an area that deserves a major attention, either through
extension activities or through incentives (such as input taxes).
Keywords: economic value; environmental costs; greenhouse gas emissions model; Iran; marginal effect; spatial distribution
Date published: 2018-08-30
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