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Macroeconomic aspects of the price and the salary in development of competitive and export-oriented agriculture in Azerbaijan
Abstract: The main role and signifi cance of salary as stimulated factor in development of production of competitive and export oriented agricultural products and whole agrarian sector has been affi rmed according to the strategic aim and goal of strategic road map about production and processing of agricultural products in Azerbaijan Republic in this article, comparative analysis of it has been conducted with other sectors of economics and factors, which have an effect on it, have been estimated. In this case after generalization, grouping, system approach, economic and econometric analysis, infl uence of gross output, intermediate consumption added value, labour cost, other production taxes, gross profi t, consumption of main funds and net profi t to average monthly nominal salary in separate sectors of economy has been valued and it has been identifi ed dim connection level of salary with a lot of main macroeconomic indices. As a result it is noted the necessity to defi ne average monthly nominal salary according to the role and share in real economy of each fi eld for development of production of competitive and export oriented agricultural products and whole agrarian sector. Besides it, as competition factor-mutual relation of producer price indices of agricultural product with salary is agenda as well. The article covers dependence of producer price indices of agricultural product on salary, salary fund, net weight of salary pay in expenses spent on production of agricultural product, establishment of production account and profi t in agricultural sector, dynamics of net weight of share of agricultural sector in economics, level of average monthly nominal salary on economic activity types, place of separate sectors of economics on macroeconomic indices in economic activity types, models of dependence of average monthly nominal salary on main macroeconomic indices annually in economics and average monthly nominal salary in economics have been made up.
Keywords: agricultural products; Azerbaijan; competitive; export oriented; nominal salary; price
Date published: 2019-04-08
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