Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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D. Kompan, Z. Barać, Z. Antunović, Ž. Klir, D. Mulc, J. Novoselec, K. Potočnik
Abstract: The aim of the present research was to determine composition and test-day milk yield from Alpine goats in two countries, Croatia and Slovenia regarding the influence of milk production traits. Data was obtained from the Central database of Croatian Agricultural Agency and Central database for sheep and goats in Slovenia. Test-day milk yield (TDM), content of fat, protein and lactose, as dependent variables, were analysed with fxed statistical model (GLM procedure, SAS, 9.3) using parity, litter size, stage of lactation and season as fixed effects. The results from the present research showed significant influence of
stage of lactation, parity, litter size and season on almost all investigated variables, between Croatian and Slovenian population of Alpine goats. Least square mean for TDM in goats from Slovenian population was lower, 1.04 kg, compared to Croatian goats, 1.11 kg. Higher percentage of goats (53.2%) from Croatian population were in 2nd to 4th parity, compared to Slovenian goats (49.6%), resulting in higher TDM. In Slovenian population of goats more records were analysed from mid-lactation, resulting in lower fat content (3.47%) compared to Croatian population (3.50%). In the present research more twins and triplets were in the Slovenian population of goats but results showed lower TDM in the same population. The reason for this may be due to later weaning in Slovenian producers that shortened the length of milking after weaning. Higher percentage of Croatian goats (94.47%) were kidding from December to March, compared to Slovenian (90.34%) goats, resulting in higher TDM and lower protein and lactose content in Croatian population. Content of protein and lactose were mainly following the standard lactation curve along with TDM. The results showed significant effect of parity, litter size, stage of lactation and season on TDM and milk composition in the goat farms of Croatia and Slovenia.
Keywords: Alpine goats; Croatia; milk; Slovenia
Date published: 2017-09-20
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