Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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S. Sendel, I. Jedrzejczyk, B. Gaczkowska, P. Nowaczyk, D. Olszewska
Abstract: Capsicum genus covers several dozens of species, which can be used in crossbreeding with annual pepper. The induction of haploid and dihaploid plants through anther cultures of the received hybrids is one of the possibilities of the fast stabilization of the new variability. In this study the following interspecifc hybrids were the plant material for the induction of androgenesis: (905 × ‘Sono’)F1, (905 × ‘Mino’)F1, (405 × ‘Luba’)F1, (405 × ‘Sono’)F1. Haploid plants obtained from anther cultures were colchicine treatment according to protocol developed for Capsicum annuum L. The apical parts of 106 androgenic haploids were placed for six days on the MS medium containing colchicine at the concentration equal 400 mg dm-3. The largest groups of regenerants were mixoploids 29-55% and haploids 20-50%. For the studied genotypes an effective diploidization at the level of 17-27% was observed. Micropropagation was performed on the 23 haploids obtained and the received microcuttings (in the number of 73) underwent again a-six-day and a-nine-day treatment with colchicine on the MS medium containing 200 mg dm-3 of colchicine. The effectiveness of the regeneration after the second colchicine treatment was significantly reduced.
Single diploid plants appeared among the regenerants (905 × ‘Sono’)F1 and (405 × ‘Luba’)F1.
Keywords: androgenesis; Capsicum; diploidization; haploid; interspecifc hybrids; flow cytometry
Date published: 2017-09-18
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