Tillage or no-tillage: impact on the root fungal community of cereals and legumes grown on several stations in the semi-arid region of Eastern Algeria
Nadia Madi-Djedid

, Mohammed Said Metahri, Noria Saadoun
Abstract: Plants harbor in their root systems non-pathogenic fungi called endophytes. They are able to confer to the host plants a better resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Understanding their responses to no-tillage practices could be a promising strategy for optimizing the profitability and sustainability of farming systems. In this context, the objective of the present work is to determine the composition of the root fungal community of cereal-legume agrosystems in semi-arid Algerian zones. The experimental set up consists in comparing the influence of no-tillage and conventional tillage on the nature of the root fungal community according to the nature of the plant and the site. The main results obtained show that tillage has little effect on root fungal communities. In contrast, the interaction of tillage effects with the nature of the plant and site significantly influences the composition of these communities. Although the nature of the plant is a factor in the variation of this community, The major effect would be mainly related to the station. This result suggests that the identified strains belong to a disturbance-resistant core soil microbiome that is transmitted to the roots, driven by soil environmental conditions and additional host effects. Finally, it appears that the combination of the effects of no-till with the crop and the site affects the nature of the endophytic fungi whose functional traits remain to be identified.
Keywords: cereal; direct seeding; fungi; legume; microbiota; root
Citation: Madi-Djedid, N., Metahri, M. S. & Saadoun, N. (2025). Tillage or no-tillage: impact on the root fungal community of cereals and legumes grown on several stations in the semi-arid region of Eastern Algeria. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 75–84.
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| Date published: 2025-02-25
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