Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Geographical barriers in agricultural exports: A case study of Vietnams rice exports to West Africa
Tuong Vinh Phi, Hiep Duc Do, Ha Viet Hoang, Van-Chung Dongorcid
Abstract: Vietnam is one of the world’s leading rice exporters and West African countries are potential markets for Vietnam’s rice exports. However, geographical barriers have always been considered an important factor hindering Vietnam’s rice exports to West Africa. Applying the gravity model with the PPML estimation technique, the study shed light on the impact of geographical distance on Vietnam’s rice exports to West Africa during 2001-2021. The estimated results confirm that geographical distance negatively impacts rice exports, but that the level of impact is significantly mitigated if economic factors are reinforced. The results also point out that becoming a World Trade Organization (WTO) member promotes Vietnam’s rice exports to West Africa. This implies that Vietnamese rice exporters and policymakers should focus on economic factors to promote rice exports to West Africa. In addition, the country should consider establishing free trade agreements with West African countries.
Keywords: Economic distance; geographical distance; rice exports; Vietnam; West Africa
Citation: Phi, T. V., Do, H. D., Hoang, H. V. & Dong, V- Ch. (2025). Geographical barriers in agricultural exports: A case study of Vietnam’s rice exports to West Africa. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 19–27.
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Date published: 2025-02-25
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