Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Optimal time for preparing Amaranthus paniculatus L. herb
Lala Stepanyanorcid, Tatevik Sargsyan, Samvel Ghazaryan, Monika Israyelyan, Avetis Tsaturyan
Abstract: The optimal time for preparing Amaranthus paniculatus has been determined based on the dynamics of accumulation of biologically active compounds. The dynamics of accumulation of biologically active compounds and minerals in samples harvested in different phases of vegetation has been studied. The quantitative assessment of elements in leaves of Amaranthus paniculatus was carried out using the method of optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma; the presence of 20 elements was established. The content of 3 macroelements (К, Ca, Mg), 2 mesoelements (Fe, Na) and 14 microelements (Ba, Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, V, Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Se, Pb, Ag, Tl, Sr, As) was determined. In the series of macroelements, calcium and potassium dominated, in the series of microelements – barium, aluminum, magnesium and zinc. As a result of the primary phytochemical screening, it was found that Amaranthus paniculatus was a source of important classes of biologically active substances and minerals. At the same time, it is an environmentally friendly species since it does not accumulate toxic compounds. It has been established that Amaranthus paniculatus as a food additive is better to collect in the phase of mass flowering and fruiting.
Keywords: Amaranthus; flavonoids; minerals; organic acids; phenolics; vitamin C
Citation: Stepanyan, L., Sargsyan, T., Ghazaryan, S., Israyelyan, M. & Tsaturyan, A. (2025). Optimal time for preparing Amaranthus paniculatus L. herb. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 31(1), 13–18.
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Date published: 2025-02-25
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