Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Knowledge of cattle farmers toward foot mouth disease in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi
V. S. Lestariorcid, D. P. Rahardjaorcid, S. N. Sirajuddinorcid, F. N. Yuliatiorcid, S. Nurlaelahorcid, Ir. Saadahorcid, A. Abdullahi
Abstract: Foot and mouth disease (FMD), which affects cattle and other animals with cloven hooves, is one of the greatest economic threats to agriculture and other businesses. This study sought to understand farmers' understanding and attitude toward FMD. The Bone district, South Sulawesi province was chosen as the site where the research is being done. Purposively, a sample of 41 breeders was selected. Data were collected using observation, questionnaire-assisted interviews, and focus group discussions (FGD). Both open-ended and closed-ended questions were asked. Identity, clinical symptom knowledge, knowledge of the FMD vaccination program, the impact to cattle market price and sources of information on the FMD vaccination program are the topics covered in the questions. The data was handled using the SPSS software version 23, the data was quantitatively and descriptively evaluated using averages, frequencies and percentages. The study's findings indicated that farmers' awareness of the clinical symptoms of FMD was in the high category (78.05%), farmers also had good knowledge of the usage of vaccination (95.12%). All farmers desired to immunize their cattle against FMD (100.00%). Cattle prices have fallen due to the FMD outbreak (92.68%), this shows that the percentage of farmers' knowledge of the impact of FMD on the price of cattle was good, because the price of cattle decreased. Buying and selling livestock can spread the FMD virus (80.49%), this shows that the percentage of farmers' knowledge of the impact of FMD on the spread of FMD virus was good. The local regional government and its employees, including extension agents, veterinarians, and technical officers, were the main sources of information regarding the vaccination program. It is advised that beef breeders receive assistance to prevent additional disease outbreaks.
Keywords: cattle farmers; foot mouth disease; knowledge
Citation: Lestari, V. S., Rahardja, D. P., Sirajuddin, S. N., Yuliati, F. N., Nurlaelah, S., Saadah, Ir. & Abdullahi, A. (2024). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(6), 1159–1164
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Date published: 2024-12-16
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