Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Effect of freezing and drying on the bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential of garlic
Nassima Senaniorcid, Samia Bedouheneorcid, Thinhinane Rekeborcid, Lamia Bouadjela
Abstract: Garlic (Allium sativum. L.) is a culinary and medicinal plant containing various bioactive molecules. The preservation process of garlic is important because it considerably influences the composition of the final product, as well as its biological activity. The choice of a preservation method for garlic is a compromise between convenience and quality. Few studies compare the effects of preservation methods on the bioactive potential of this condiment; hence the interest of this study which aims to evaluate the effect of freezing and drying on the bioactive compounds of garlic. Three samples of local garlic were prepared "fresh, frozen at -20°C, and dried in an oven at 50°C". According to the ANOVA statistical analysis (p< 0.05), the contents of proteins, reducing sugars, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamin C, haven’t shown significant difference between frozen and fresh garlic. Contrast to this, drying significantly reduced the content of protein (59.6 %), reducing sugars (72.61 %), polyphenols (58.6 %), flavonoids (38.13 %) and vitamin C (76.9 %). Peroxidase activity persisted after freezing, but decrease after drying (68 % loss) compared to the initial activity. The percentage of DPPH radical scavenging was higher for fresh (37.78 %) and frozen garlic (43.46 %) extracts at the lowest concentration, in contrast to dried garlic with 20.91 % at the highest concentration. The results of this study showed that freezing seems to extend the shelf life of garlic because it preserves most of the biochemical and bioactive substances.
Keywords: bioactive compounds; conservation; drying; food quality; freezing; Garlic
Citation: Senani, N., Bedouhene, S., Rekeb, T. & Bouadjela, L. (2024). Effect of freezing and drying on the bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential of garlic. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci.,30(6), 1128–1135
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Date published: 2024-12-16
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