Pedigree analysis of Ile de France sheep breed in Bulgaria
Zhivko Duchev

, Evgeniya Achkakanova

Abstract: The objective of this study was to assess the pedigree information of the Ile de France sheep population in Bulgaria, and determine its structure and inbreeding status. The pedigree was compiled from the herdbook data of the established in 2006 breeding association, the breeding certificates of imported animals and other data about the imports. The pedigree included animals born between 2001 and 2022, lambs born during 2019–2022 were considered as reference population. Starting from 2020, the completeness of the first generation of pedigree exceeded 98% and that of the second generation - 80%. The equivalent complete generations for the reference population are 2.2, the fully traced generations – 1.8 and the maximum number of traced generations - 7. The generation interval is 3.8 years for the whole population, but higher in the reference one – from 4.3 to 4.5 years. The rate of inbreeding is increasing in the last years, reaching 0.0147 in 2022. There is a proportion of animals with high inbreeding coefficient level, which should be considered in the management of the breeding programme.
Keywords: data completeness; generation interval; herdbook; inbreeding; population
Citation: Duchev, Zh. & Achkakanova, E. (2024). Pedigree analysis of Ile de France sheep breed in Bulgaria. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(6), 1097–1101
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| Date published: 2024-12-16
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