GWAS analysis of milk composition traits in Ayrshire cattle breed
Artem Dysin

, Marina Pozovnikova

, Olga Tulinova

, Yurii Scherbakov
Abstract: This research report presents a comprehensive analysis of the genetic basis of milk composition traits in the Ayrshire cattle breed using genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Through GWAS analysis, significant SNPs associated with milk composition traits in Ayrshire cattle were identified, many of which were located near genes known to be involved in various biological processes associated with milk production. The study focused on traits such as basic fatty acids, somatic cell count, differential somatic cell counts, lactose, protein, pH, and Solid-Non-Fat Content. The highest number of identified SNPs was associated with somatic cell count in milk and fatty acids. These findings provide valuable insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying milk production and quality in Ayrshire cattle, with the potential to contribute to the development of tools for improving milk production and quality in the dairy industry. The study highlights the importance of understanding the complex genetic mechanisms involved in milk production and quality, specifically in the Ayrshire breed. Further research is warranted to explore the functional roles of the identified genes and their potential applications in breeding programs for enhanced milk production and quality.
Keywords: dairy cows; fatty acids; lactose; milk protein; SNP
Citation: Dysin, A., Pozovnikova, M., Tulinova, O. & Scherbakov, Y. (2024). GWAS analysis of milk composition traits in Ayrshire cattle breed. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(6), 1090–1096
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| Date published: 2024-12-16
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