Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Influence of irrigation and fertigation on pomological characteristics of white strawberry fruits
Elena Grancharovaorcid, Georgi Kostadinovorcid, Blagoj Elenovorcid, Emilija Elenovaorcid
Abstract: This paper aims to present the effects of the applied regimes of fertilization and irrigation on the pomological characteristics of white strawberry fruits. A two-factor experiment was conducted during 2023 and 2024 in an unheated greenhouse in the Chelopechene experimental field, Sofia, Bulgaria with drip irrigated and fertigated strawberry cultivar (Fragaria × ananassa Snow White). The irrigation and the fertilization factors were applied in two rates: I1 - 75% (ETc) I2 - 50% (ETc), F1: optimal fertilization N8.09P12.76K15.62; F2 – suboptimal fertilization - 75% (F1). Five treatments were tested: control: I0F0:100% (ETc) without fertigation; I1F1; I1F2; I2F1; I2F2. The reduction of the fruit diameter between the highest (I1F1) and the lowest (I2F2) values was 14%. The highest mean fruit weight was obtained from I1F1 treatment – 5.39 g in 2023 and 5.02 g in 2024. The reduction of the fruit weight between the highest (I1F1) and the lowest (I2F2) values was 44%.
Keywords: Bulgaria; fertigation; irrigation; pomological characteristics; white strawberry
Citation: Grancharova, E., Kostadinov, G., Elenov, B. & Elenova, E. (2024). Influence of irrigation and fertigation on pomological characteristics of white strawberry fruits. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(6), 994–1003
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Date published: 2024-12-16
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