Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Effectiveness of micronutrient mobilization from a controlled-release fertilizer in soils with different physico-chemical characteristics
Milchena Atsenova, Irena Atanassova
Abstract: The present study deals with the effects of a controlled-release macro- and microelements containing fertilizer added at 50%, 100%, and 200% of the optimal rate of 90 mg/kg N on two soils of different physico-chemical characteristics at three T°, 150C, 250C and 350C for a period of two months. The fertilizer gradually releases the trace elements Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo, B, at optimal humidity, and their release depended on the temperature and the rate of addition to the soil.
The two types of soils exhibit different degree of release of the studied trace elements under controlled conditions. A weaker release of trace elements from the added fertilizer was observed in the Cinnamonic forest soil, which has a heavier texture and higher cation-exchange capacity than the Alluvial-meadow soil. For the temperatures studied, a similar change in the physico-chemical characteristics was observed, i.e. a slight decrease in pH, a decrease in the degree of base saturation and the appearance of H+ and exchangeable AI ions.
The principal component analysis (PCA) revealed a common source for the elements Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo and a different one for B in the Alluvial-meadow soil. In the Cinnamonic Forest a similar source of elements mobilization in the soil solution was found for Cu, Zn, Fe, another one for Mn, Mo and a third for B. We conclude that the source of mobilization of the microelements in solution in the Cinnamonic forest soil is mainly the soil colloidal complex, and in the case of the Alluvial meadow soil, the added fertilizer.
Keywords: controlled-release fertilizers; diffusion release; incubation experiment; micronutrients; soil characteristics; temperature
Citation: Atsenova, M. & Atanassova, I. (2024). Effectiveness of micronutrient mobilization from a controlled-release fertilizer in soils with different physico-chemical characteristics. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(6), 974–981
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Date published: 2024-12-16
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