Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Impact on the quality and sustainable use of soils from the implementation of large-scale systems for the production and storage of electrical energy from renewable energy sources
Martin Banovorcid, Viktor Kolchakov
Abstract: The conducted research is related to establishing the state of the soil cover on the territory of an existing photovoltaic plant for the production of electrical energy. The soils of the areas planned for the construction of a photovoltaic park were also investigated. The obtained results were compared with the characteristics of the soils from the region of the studied sites.
The conducted field and analytical studies on the territory of an existing photovoltaic park testify to the lack of significant impact of electricity production on the state of the soil cover. Conditions are created to preserve soils from intensive cultivation for an extended period of time, with minimal or no application of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers and no treatments. This is also related to preserving the health of the soil and restoring its fertility.
The need to conduct field studies, prepare studies and prepare annual monitoring reports regarding the short-term, medium-term and long-term impact of the implementation of large-scale systems for the production and storage of electrical energy from renewable energy sources (RES) on ecosystems and biodiversity is proven, as well as on the quality and sustainable use of soils.
The study of the soils in the territories adjacent to the photovoltaic parks provides an opportunity to track the impact that the exploitation of the sites has on the soil cover and to plan actions to overcome the negative impacts.
Examining the state of the soil cover before the construction of a photovoltaic park allows for proper planning of the program for monitoring the objects and drawing up a system of measures to preserve and improve soil fertility on the territory of the objects.
Keywords: photovoltaic park; photovoltaic plant; renewable energy sources; soil health
Citation: Banov, M. & Kolchakov, V. (2024). Impact on the quality and sustainable use of soils from the implementation of large-scale systems for the production and storage of electrical energy from renewable energy sources. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30 (Supplement 1), 83–89
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Date published: 2024-12-13
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