Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Contribution to the knowledge of class Sisymbrietea Gutte et Hilbig 1975 in Bulgaria through newly established synanthropic associations
Momchil Nazarov, Josef Šibik, Beloslava Genova, Nikolay Velev, Gana Gecheva, Stoyan Georgiev, Borislav Grigorov, Constantin Mardari, Kiril Vassilev
Abstract: This research aimed to contribute the knowledge on the syntaxonomy and ecology of class Sisymbrietea Gutte et Hilbig 1975 on the territory of Bulgaria. During the period 2018-2023, 297 phytocoenological relevés with a plot size of 10-16 m2 following the Braun-Blanquet approach were collected. All relevés were contributed to the Balkan Vegetation Database (EU-00-013) and nomenclature of species was standardized according to the Euro+Med PlantBase. The hierarchical clustering was performed using the PC-ORD software package using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity and flexible beta clustering algorithm. The diagnostic species were determined by calculating the Phi-coefficient and only the statistically significant values, evaluated by Fisher’s exact test (P<0.05), were considered.
As a result of investigation were found four new ruderal associations (Descurainietum sophiae, Hordeo murini-Brometum sterilis, Linario-Brometum tectorum and Aegilopsietum cylindricae) for Bulgarian vegetation. Descurainietum sophiae association is typical for areas with nitrophilization, while the other three associations occur within agrocoenoses, other anthropogenic territories or in altered grasslands.
Keywords: ecology; new associations; ruderal vegetation; syntaxonomy
Citation: Nazarov, M., Šibik, J., Genova, B., Velev, N., Gecheva, G., Georgiev, S., Grigorov, B., Msrdari, C. & Vassilev, K.(2024). Contribution to the knowledge of class Sisymbrietea Gutte et Hilbig 1975 in Bulgaria through newly established
synanthropic associations. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30 (Supplement 1), 3–10
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Date published: 2024-12-13
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