Grouping of cotton varieties by phenotypic stability through cluster analysis
Neli Valkova, Minka Koleva

Abstract: A cluster analysis was applied with a wiew to group 31 cotton varieties by phenotypic stability, determined by four stability
measures, for five traits. It was found that the cluster analysis divided the genotypes, distinguishing the groups by phenotypic
stability very well, and gave the opportunity to assess the most stable ones of particular importance for selection. Genotypes
showed high rating of YSi index had different selection value and formed groups that differred in the mean level of trait and
stability. Among the genotypes evaluated highly through the YSi criterion, there were some ones showed low stability. For all
traits under study, groups including genotypes having a high average trait level and high stability, based on all stability measures were distinguished, which are very valuable for selection programs. The varieties possessing complex breeding value
(high average trait level and high stability) in terms of productivity were Helius, Viki, Denitsa, Boyana and Philipopolis, in
terms of boll weight these were 791–169, Viki, Avangard-264, Eva and Vega and in terms of fiber ginning out turn these were
Viki, Boyana and Nelina. The varieties most valuable for fiber length were Natalia, Dorina, Perla-267 and Colorit and for the
height of first fruiting branch these were Eva, Natalia, Millennium, Perla-267 and Colorit, combining in the best way mean
level of trait and stability. Cluster analysis has emerged as an effective method for grouping genotypes by phenotypic stability
measured by different stability methods and can greatly facilitate cotton breeding programs.
Keywords: cluster analysis; cotton; economic traits; phenotypic stability; varieties
Citation: Valkova, N. & Koleva, M. (2024). Grouping of cotton varieties by phenotypic stability through cluster analysis. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(5), 899–908
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| Date published: 2024-10-24
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