Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Selenium supplementation to Awassi lambs did not improve their growth performance
Fatima A. Al-Lataifeh, Belal S. Obeidatorcid, Mofleh S. Awawdeh, Mysaa A. Ata
Abstract: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of selenium (Se) supplementation on growth performance of growing Awassi lambs. Twenty-five lambs were divided randomly into three groups. Lambs received the basal diet plus: no Se (CON; n = 8), 0.15 mg/lambs/day of supplemental Se to the diet as Se selenite (DSE; n = 8), or 0.5 mg/lamb of Se injection as Se selenite (ISE; n = 9). At the end of the study that lasted for 50 day, 3 lambs from each treatment randomly selected and individually housed in metabolism crates to evaluate nutrient digestibility. Nutrients (DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, and EE) intake of lambs and nutrient digestibility were not affected by Se supplementation. Growth performance (final body weight, average daily gain, and feed conversion ratio) of lambs were similar among treatment groups. Selenium supplementation (dietary or injection) failed to improve the performance of growing Awassi lambs fed high-concentrate diets containing 0.13 mg Se /kg of dry matter.
Keywords: Awassi lambs; Growth rate; Selenium; Trace mineral
Citation: Al-Lataifeh, F. A., Obeidat, B. S., Awawdeh, M. S. & Ata, M. A. (2024). Selenium supplementation to Awassi Lambs did not improve their growth performance. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(5), 870–874
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Date published: 2024-10-24
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