Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Correlation, path-coefficient and principal compononts analysis of yield and some characters related to the productivity of triticale genotypes
Nikolay Neykovorcid
Abstract: During the period 2016-2020 a study was conducted to determine the suitable selection criteria in triticale breeding for higher yields in Sadovo ecological conditions. Correlation, path-coefficient and principal component analyses were applied to 7 triticale genotypes. Field trials were performed in a randomized block design, with four replications. According to the results, the relationships between the grain yield and all of its components were significant and positive. The results of the path-coefficient analysis indicated that the plant height, grain number per spike, mass of thousand grains and spike length have the highest direct effect on yield. Principal components analysis shows that Olympus, Orbital and Falko have positive values for first PC. These cultivars were characterized by high yield, high plant height, high spike length, high grain number per a spike, high grain mass per a spike and high thousand grains mass.
Keywords: correlation analysis; path-coefficient analysis; productivity; triticale; yield
Citation: Neykov, N. (2024). Correlation, path-coefficient and principal compononts analysis of yield and some characters related to the productivity of triticale genotypes. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(5), 807–812
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Date published: 2024-10-24
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