Bulgarias agri-food trade with China
Paskal Zhelev

Abstract: The paper aims to analyze the current state and potential future opportunities for Bulgarian-Chinese trade in agri-food products. To accomplish the goal of the study various approaches are used. After presenting the dynamics of the bilateral agri-food trade over the last decade, the product structure and the top Bulgarian exported products, the comparative advantages vis-a-vis China have been identified. Then the trade complementarity of agri-food products between Bulgaria and China is analyzed. Finally, the untapped export potential of Bulgarian agricultural products on the Chinese market is explored. The paper argues that Bulgaria should better utilize the existing bilateral and multilateral mechanisms to enhance and diversify the trade cooperation on agricultural products with China which, given the complimentary export profiles of both countries, is highly mutually beneficial.
Keywords: agro-industrial sector; Bulgaria; China; comparative advantages; exports
Citation: Zhelev, P. (2024). Bulgaria’s agri-food trade with China. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(5), 749–756
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| Date published: 2024-10-24
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