Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The efficiency of maize production under the conditions of climate change in Ukraine: the use of highly productive hybrids and scientific technologies with elements of biologization
Petro Boikoorcid, Nataliia Kovalenkoorcid, Yevgen Yurkevychorcid, Serhii Albulorcid, Nataliia Valentiukorcid
Abstract: Cultivation of varieties and hybrids of grain crops with the use of scientific technologies with elements of biologization helps to preserve biodiversity and reduce the negative impact on the environment, while simultaneously solving the grain-food problem and providing consumers of the world market with high-quality grain products, especially in conditions of climate change. The article examines Ukraine's prospects on the world market of corn grain and outlines ways to increase the efficiency of its production, taking into account the global challenges and threats of today.
The purpose of the article is to establish the long-term dynamics of sown areas, production and yield of maize in Ukraine, ways to increase the export potential of Ukrainian maize based on the complex implementation of high-yielding hybrids and scientific technologies with elements of biologization in the conditions of the negative impact of climate change and other stress factors. The methodological approach takes into account the general concepts of the development and features of agrarian production based on the use of data of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United States Department of Agriculture, United Nations, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Statistical data on the world production and export of maize grain, the dynamics of sown areas, production and yield of maize in Ukraine are demonstrated, which directly focus attention on the competitiveness of Ukrainian maize on the world grain market.
These arguments are confirmed by the analytical results, which show that in 2022, despite the negative impact of the climatic factors and a full-scale armed attack by the russian federation, Ukraine entered the top five global producers and the top four global exporters of maize grain. Conceptually identified key problems, the solution of which will ensure further growth of maize productivity in different soil-climatic conditions. For the effective production of grain maize, a number of adaptation measures are proposed to overcome the negative impact of climate change and other stress factors, which consist in the complex application of high-yielding hybrids and environmentally safe technologies, which include: the use of plant residues with the use of modern biodestructors for the maximum use of their natural mass, which along with the implementation of scientifically based crop rotations, the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers and plant protection products, will contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the solution of the grain-food problem in the world.
Keywords: biodestructors; climate change; crop rotation; environmentally safe technologies; hybrids; maize; plant residues; yield
Citation: Boiko, P., Kovalenko, N., Yurkevych, Ye., Albul, S. & Valentiuk, N. (2024). The efficiency of maize production under the conditions of climate change in Ukraine: the use of highly productive hybrids and scientific technologies with elements of biologization. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 739–746
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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